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Sunnah & Ahadees in Islam


After Quran the 2nd primary source of Islam and traditions of Holy Prophet (PBUH). It includes Hadith as well as Sunnah. Hadith means saying of Prophet (PBUH) and Sunnah means path or the way, a manner of life, practice of Holy Prophet (PBUH).both of these terms different in meaning, but they are the same when used for the sayings or the precepts of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and include sayings, deeds, all actions, conducts and implied acceptance of Prophet (PBUH). Quran and Sunnah are part and parcel of each other and constitute one complete whole. Sunnah is included in the basic and fundamental sources of Islamic divine following Quran. Online QURAN Teaching

and Sunnah both are based on revelations.Sunnah essentially being exemplary conduct of one person and in the context of Islam; it refers to the model behavior of the last Prophet (PBUH).

Concept of Hadith & Sunnah:

Generally, people believe that the terms of Hadith and Sunnah connote the same meaning; they regard generally the precepts of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)as Hadith or Sunnah. The concept is not altogether correct. Hadith means which is narrated hence it is sayings of Prophet (PBUH) while, Sunnah means a path or the way i.e. manner of the life of Prophet (PBUH). Holy Quran declares,

‘And We have sent you (O Muhammad PBUH) not but as a mercy for the whole universe’.

In short, Hadith is a narration of the conduct of the Prophet (PBUH), whereas Sunnah is the example or the Islam that is deduced from it. Hadith is this sense is the vehicle of Sunnah. Therefore, God entrusted this job to the last Prophet (PBUH).In the Quran the word Sunnah and its plural, ‘Sunnan’ has been used 16 times. Positon of Sunnah, revelation was not limited to the Quran. The life of Prophet (PBUH) which was essentially to be obeyed by the people was not left without divine guidance.Many QURAN Teacher verses explain the importance of Sunnah such as, Sura-e-Hashar, Sura-e-Nisa and Sura-e-Ahzab. The word “Hikmat” used in Quran means the Sunnah, therefore, it can be stated that Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) was revealed by Allah Alimighty.

Classification of Sunah& Hadith:

Although Sunnah is classified into Qolia, Failia and Taqreeria.Sunnah comprises such rules which are pronounced by the Holy Quran. Sunnah has been classified in various ways, depending, of course, on the purpose of classification and the perspective of the investigator.

Ø Words of the Prophet (PBUH).

Ø Acts/ Deeds of the Prophet (PBUH).

Ø Tacit approvels of the Prophet (PBUH).

Ø Sunnah explains or interprets the Quranic rules, which are not clear; and

Ø Sunnah comprises such rules about which Quran is silent.

According to Quran, the relationship of Quran and Sunnah is that of a book and the light as, a bookcannot be read without light. “And came to you from Allah, the light Prophet (PBUH) and the book (Quran).” As to challenge its (Sunnah’s) validity amounts to challenge the Quran and God’s order of delegation. So in the light of explicit verses, it can be said that both Quran and Sunnah are one and the same thing.


Hadith is classified into many like Mutwatir, Ahad, Mursal etc.Which is quoted exactly in the words of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).Which is not quoted in the exact words of the Prophet (PBUH) but the meaning is the same.In caliphate period it was not approved by caliph to compile the Hadith but in next period people started compiling as, Ibne Abbass RA did. In the Abbassid’s period some effors to collect Hadith, in these an attempt to put all the Ahadees quoted by each and every companion was made. Most famous is collection by Imam Ahmed Ibne Hunbal. There are six most famous and authentic collections of Ahadees i.e.

Ø Sahih Bukhari by Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin IsmailBukhari

Ø Sahih Muslim by Abul Hussain Muslim Neshapuri

Ø Sunnan Ibne Majah by Ibn-e-Majah

Ø Sunnan Abu Daood by Abu Daood

Ø Jama-e-Tirmizi by Tirmizi

Ø An-Nisai by Nisai

Position of Sunnah:

Quran and Sunnah have the basic and fundamental value and Muslims must obey and and follow both of them together, as one cannot be separated from the other. Ulmas believe that Holy Prophet (PBUH) was divinely guided in His (PBUH) words and deeds, so in case some problem is not solved through Quran, it is mandatory to see Sunnah before resorting to other methods. The most important thing is that Sunnah comes after Quran as a source of Islamic rules and no other method or source comes in between them. The central and basic position must be given to Holy Quran and in case there is found any clash between the orders of both, efforts must be made to interpret the Sunnah in accordance with the Quran in order to bring it in conformity with Quranic orders or one must have full knowledge of context in which Sunnah makes qualifications and exceptions in the orders of Quran.

It is also well settled that generally Sunnah cannot go against Quran. Without Sunnah it is impossible to interpret Quran and solve modern problems, so Sunnah comes just after Learn QURAN Online and without it one cannot understand true spirit of Islam. The divine book made the obedience of Prophet (PBUH) obligatory as Holy Quran states,“O Believers! Obey God and His Prophet and do not waste your deeds”. Th words, deeds, silences, decisions, and practices were all elevated by the Almighty, therefore, their acceptance and submission to them is one of the fundamentals of Muslim faith. Sunnah’s authority as a source of Islam is derived from the Quran itself, therefore, it isconsidered as the commentary and explanation of Quran, without which Quran cannot be understood.



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